


Quick & Cool Chocolate Cake

If you are looking for a quick and tasty chocolate cake for your kid´s birthday, here is the best ever recipe I stumbled upon: Der beste Schockokuchen der Welt ! Indeed, it is! It is extremely quick to make and…

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Culture, Food

Viktorija´s Serbian Cheese Pie Recipe

Serbian Cheese Pie should be promoted into a national heritage. Literally every house in Serbia serves it on the table. Every woman in Serbia inherits the recipe from her mother. Once she moves out, you can measure the level of her independence through how…

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Culture, Food

Kristina´s Proja Recipe

“Is there a genuine Serbian dish?” people usually ask me “How about the Serbian Cuisine, what do you eat down there?”. “We are in the Balkans” I answer “every time I cross the Slovenian border, I feel the breeze of Turkey….

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Culture, Food

Heirs and Nomads

We, modern nomads, economic refugees, chameleons without land and heritage, yet with skills and knowledge – we belong everywhere and nowhere. Ever since I was a young young girl, I knew my destiny will be carved in a Latin wisdom: omnia mea…

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Vegan Pizza Recipe

Scroll down for vegan pizza recipe. “You know what, babes, I won´t eat any meat anymore” said my b-friend some months ago. “Ah, ok” I answered, continuing to do what I´ve been doing until this shocking announcement. This is not to…

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