

Culture, Music

K.I.Z. Hurrah die Welt geht unter

LOVE IT! LOOOVE IT! LOOOOOOOOVE IT! Here they come, perceptive German street K.I.(d).Z., nach meinem Geschmack! Flaunting their bad taste and a penchant for horror with tones of talent, guts and brains on top – I dig it all. Even more:…

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Berlin, Culture, Party


Some brunch it hot – SERBINALE brunch it hotter! First days of Berlin hotness saw us opening up the festivities of summer. SERBINALE gathered family and friends and dived into the wellness of Serbian cuisine. Ajvar, pita and proja ran through our stomachs and…

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B-movie Berlinale2015
Berlin, Film

About Mice and Movies

It was my first time at the Berlinale as an accredited movie goer and a producer´s closest adviser (my b-friend is in the producing business, spare me!), so you can imagine: I made all the beginner mistakes! I underestimated the…

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Berlin, Culture, Party

Volksbühne turns 100 – a sentimental glimpse

Berlin does not have a National Theatre – a pretentious, high-end sanctuary for preserving and re-interpreting national theatrical and dramatic heritage. Berlin has its Volksbühne: a people´s theatre. Dubbed as the “most exciting stage in Germany”, the plumped building defining and defying the…

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